Green radish grows quickly, suitable for indoor viewing, and easy to manage.Eating habits reflect the lifestyle of a nation. Carly Pollack | Welcome

You Deserve to Feel Good.

Uncover the truth to what’s blocking your health goals. Maximize your effort. Get permanent results.

Live in the body you deserve.

I'm Ready!
I Have Something for you

Sign up for my weekly serving of wisdom and receive my End Emotional Eating Blueprint and Weight Loss Meditation. It'll give you the tools you need to stop the yo-yo dieting and create permanent change!

#1 Best Selling Book on Amazon

Permanent weight loss is about so much more than just food. The real work is done in your head, not on your plate.

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Online Courses

End Emotional Eating Course

An immersive 4-week online program aimed at erasing old thought patterns and freeing yourself from the food prison of dieting - all while losing weight and feeling great.

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Daily Detox Advanced Course

The 8-week Daily Detox Advanced online course offers a comprehensive path to improved well-being, whether you're a seasoned health enthusiast or completely new to detox and cleanses.

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Carly has lectured all over the country for incredible companies such as Facebook, Whole Foods, WeWork, lululemon, Livestrong Foundation, Atlassian, Rackspace, Tech Stars, Flatwater Foundation, Texas Medical Association, The Hilton, Frog Design, Planet Cancer, and Heineken among many more.

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Carly Pollack - Speaking
Carly Pollack - Speaking


Carly has lectured all over the country for incredible companies such as Facebook, Whole Foods, WeWork, lululemon, Livestrong Foundation, Atlassian, Rackspace, Tech Stars, Flatwater Foundation, Texas Medical Association, The Hilton, Frog Design, Planet Cancer, and Heineken among many more.

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We Are Hiring a Full-Time Virtual Health Coach!

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What Tillie Brought me From Her First Week in Kindergarten

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Recovering from Vacation Indulgence: Do These 8 Things

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MEET Carly

My story is probably very similar to yours. I wasn’t happy with my body, but I was addicted to sugar and overeating. I was constantly stressed, worried and anxious, but I couldn’t control the voice in my head. I wanted to make changes, but I was stuck in patterns that seemed to control me...

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Testimonials Before & After

Working with Carly was one of the most influential & powerful decisions I’ve ever made.

Working with Carly was one of the most influential and powerful decisions I've ever made. She started as my coach and is now a mentor. I was looking for a health coach to help me lose weight, improve my digestion and gain accountability. What I left with was an entirely new mindset, my first respectful relationship with food, the balance of being social and healthy at the same time, and the head space to finally think about everything outside of food (besides when I'm eating!). Calling the journey Carly set me on a "success story" is an understatement when I look at where I started to where I've grown. I'm forever changed physically, mentally and spiritually!

- Lauren Deaton