Meet Carly a little about me...

My story is probably very similar to yours.

I wasn’t happy with my body, but I was addicted to sugar and overeating. I was constantly stressed, worried and anxious, but I couldn’t control the voice in my head. I wanted to make changes, but I was stuck in patterns that seemed to control me.

After a weekend binge, I’d start the week feeling sluggish, guilty and frustrated with myself. After years of going on and off of diets, I finally set my intention to a major lifestyle change. The “all or nothing” mentality I had in the past wasn’t working so I decided to make small changes over time. These new behaviors started adding up to huge shifts.

After realizing my life's passion, I went to college for nutrition and didn’t stop until I had a Master’s Degree in Holistic Nutrition, became a Certified Clinical Nutritionist, a Life Coach and Spiritual Advisor. Don’t let my snarky New York attitude fool you - I am a true spiritual gangsta!

Having grown up as quick-witted New Yorker, I was raised without the ability to BS. You won’t find any nonsense here, just clear and honest information (and maybe some tough love if you need it). I’ve helped thousands of people shift their thought patterning, change their physical body and live their happiest and healthiest life! I’m honored to help you do the same.

Want to know what I’m up to?

These days you will find me writing my book, lecturing, seeing clients and smothering my cats with unwanted love. Keep up with me on Instagram and Facebook to check out my latest whereabouts.