Blog I've got a lot to say...

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How To Travel Like a Health Coach

Keep your momentum going

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Read This So You Don't Blow It Today

This is what I'm doing

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The Best Mind Trick For Getting Through The Holidays

Try this and see what happens...

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Is Intermittent Fasting Right For You?

Find out if it's doing more harm than good...

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What I Learned From Lady Gaga

Last week I went on a girl's trip to Vegas...

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6 Ways to Lose Weight in 2020

Have you tried this to lose weight?

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5 Signs You Have A Food Intolerance

Are you constipated, bloated, or flatulating non-stop (yup, bringing sophistication to farting!)? You could have a food intolerance.

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How To Avoid Getting Sick

Have you ever attempted to open a doorknob in a public place with your shirt covering your hands? I’ve compiled a list of kick-ass cold preventing tactics that I couldn’t wait to share with you!

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How To Feed (And Please) Everyone While Honoring Your Health Goals

Stay on track while pleasing family, friends, and the kids at meal time!

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