Blog I've got a lot to say...

Pawel czerwinski IK Zg31 Su Nq U unsplash

My Most Horrendous Valentine's Day Story

I'll never forget Valentine's Day of 2002.

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Brooke lark j UPOXXR Ndc A unsplash

10 Meals in 10 Minutes

You’re going to love these quick but healthy meals

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Maddi bazzocco wa NAJOI7 Jz8 unsplash

Why You Shouldn’t Cleanse in the New Year

Don’t do this to yourself.

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Manik roy l YV Qm WYX Jk unsplash

Lab Work to Get Before Your Insurance Deductible Renews

Get it done now...

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Jed owen NP Bn WE1o07 I unsplash

I Had a Baby! Oh Yeah, and Thanksgiving Tips

1 Tip to Avoid Overeating

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5 Books That Changed My Life

Have you read these?

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PODCAST: Episode 51 Functional Nutrition, Hormones, Your Gut, & Lasting Change

Listen to my episode on the Illuminated Podcast with Jennifer Wallace

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3 (Free) Things You Can Do To Lower this Cancer Causing Toxin

You are being exposed to this right now.

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How to Turn Your Stress Into A Gift

Put the PB jar down and watch this short video.

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