Live in the body you deserve

Both My Kids Are Sick, Here’s What I’m Doing…

December 13, 2022

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Both of my kids are sick, my nephews are sick and I’m pretty sure I heard the cat coughing last night (but that was probably a hairball). Everyone is sick right now. Whether it’s RSV, COVID, Flu, or this random respiratory virus that is none of those things, you need to be supporting your immune system because let’s face it, it’s just a matter of time before someone coughs on you.

I’m sharing my cold, flu, and virus protocol document with you here.

In my desperate Karmic contribution to the universe so that my kids get better asap, I’m offering you 10% savings on all the cold, virus, and flu supplements mentioned here in this document for the month of December 2022.

Don’t wait until you or your loved ones are sick to get these supportive supplements or else you will be scrambling to get everything together. These work best at the immediate onset of symptoms (first cough or itchy throat).

Also, my team and I have been working on a long covid protocol that is finally ready to share. If you feel like you’ve gotten sick and never fully recovered, I put this information together with you in mind.

Get the Long Covid Protocol PDF here.

PS- I’m chockfull of information today - if you or anyone in the family has been on a round of antibiotics lately, here is my Post Antibiotic Gut Protocol.

Download the Post Antibiotic Gut Protocol here.

I know you’re overwhelmed with everything going on for the holidays, so simply reply back to this email with your phone number and we will reach out and get you everything you need in whatever form is best for you and your family (pill, powder, liquid, etc…) Let us be your personal supplement concierge.

PPS - The three PDF’s in this document took me quite a while to put together. Please forward this email to anyone you feel could use this (ahem, everyone). If you are reading this and not on my email list, please sign up here so you don’t miss upcoming content!

Download these documents:

Cold, Flu, and Virus Protocol

Long Haul COVID Protocol

Post Antibiotic Protocol

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