Live in the body you deserve

Watch Now: How To *Stop* Making The Same Food Mistakes

June 20, 2018

Hannah Olinger 549280 Unsplash

How many times have you wanted to bang your head against the wall the morning after waking up to yet another food hangover? I've been there more times than I can count.

We can't keep doing the same thing: promising ourselves that tomorrow will be different, that this 30 day cleanse will fix everything, or convince ourselves that this "one time" doesn't count.

We have to do some mind work around food in order to make changes that last. Watch the video to learn how...

P.S. I've created a Daily Wisdom Journal with these exact tools to help you take inventory every single day. To receive the paperback journal - email me and I can have one sent directly to your house for $15 shipping included.