Live in the body you deserve

How To Forgive Yourself From Shame or Guilt

July 17, 2019

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Forgiveness can be kind of tricky.

We've all been there before. We say something or do something that we're not proud of, only to get stuck in a shame spiral.

I recently hurt someone and it sucked... I was trying over and over again to rationalize my way through this guilt, telling myself, "It's ok, Carly, no one's perfect"... etc, etc.

Finally, after trying and trying to forgive myself, I gave up.

But then, I had this epiphany...

"I'm not going to be able to change the way I feel, without first changing my underlying narrative."

What if I told you that this change was actually pretty simple to do?

This change helped me, not through desperate attempts of shame or guilt, but by exploring my narrative around the event and the power I put behind that meaning.

And best part about this tool, is that it can help you to do the same.

Want to dive deeper into these concepts and truly learn how to apply them to your daily life?

Join me for End Emotional Eating: A 4-Week Online Course including weekly videos, weekly meditations, weekly journal exercises, and lifetime access. It's a 4-week plan to permanent food freedom and mindfulness!

Together, we'll create a present-moment awareness that positively impacts every area of your life. You'll lose weight, improve your digestion, energy and mood without feeling like you need to be punished. You'll learn how to finally stop shaming and talking smack to your naked self in the mirror.

And you'll still be able to eat some carbs and look good in a bathing suit… need I say more?

Learn more here and get started today!

