Live in the body you deserve

Eliminate The Second Helping

July 03, 2020

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The “On This Day a Year Ago” photo reminders on my phone are getting tough to watch.

The memories of what we usually do in the summer are in the back of my mind... but seeing pool parties, friends hanging out so close I can touch them, yummy restaurant plates, and pictures of Tillie with the background not being our own house are starting to sting.

It’s likely going to be a strange Fourth of July for most of us, much like the rest of this time warp of a year. At least we’re in theme, right? : / In a year where many of us don’t feel free in our choices, how we spend our time, who we're close to, or even the topics we can discuss with our family and friends, it might feel odd to celebrate a holiday about freedom.

I mean, we can’t even agree on what freedom means or looks like as a country right now... but I’ll save that for other experts to write about, so please leave your comments on their posts thankyouverymuch.

When it feels like the sky is falling (and for some of us it literally might be), I go back to the one truth I believe wholeheartedly:

The only thing we have full control over is our mindset.

That’s the ultimate freedom, and what I believe is the spiritual practice we can bring to this meaningful holiday. You have the freedom to choose your thoughts, choose the energy you will bring to your day, what you will focus on, and what you will choose to believe.

I recorded this video below to help people remember that they always have control over their mindset and how they can reframe the pattern of mindlessly overeating (the ol’ second helping). I thought this clip would be perfect to share with everyone right before all of the BBQs, fireworks, camping and ice cream sundaes… all of which are likely cancelled right now. Except for the ice cream sundaes. Those are on.

So, what are you going to do about it? How are you going to use your freedom? What are you going to focus on? Where is your power going to go?

As I say in the video, “There’s no end to what your food can teach you about yourself.” Food is a spiritual practice, from your second-helping mindset, or your mindset about how you choose to show up every day in your amazing life.

We have the undeniable freedom to choose our thoughts, but if you need something a bit more tangible today… you have the freedom to choose what you do, or don’t, put in your body. Looking at you, second chili dog. ;)